Ghost Flower Creative, where vision meets reality, and ideas blossom into impactful connections. Our approach is intuitive, collaborative, and grounded in years of expertise. Based just outside of Austin, TX, we’re here to help you shine, grow, and transform your brand into something truly extraordinary.

Are We the Right People for You?

Do you believe you have something special to bring to the world? Maybe not on a grand scale - though that’s cool if you do - but we're talking about that ball of excitement mixed with apprehension that you know, if executed well, will make an impact. If so, we are your peeps.

Are you someone who wakes up in the morning curious about life, reality, and how crazy it all is? Do you choose to beat your own drum and do things your way? If yes, we are your peeps.

Do you feel like you want to be able to breathe easy, knowing that people get you? And not just get you, but help you translate your unique vision to the normies? Then, we are your peeps.

Are you super serious and just want an edge that traditional agencies won’t prescribe, someone who will take the time to tune into your vision, see your future, and help you get there? Look no further; we are your peeps.Do you want to take your mind off things and have people figure some shit out for you - people you can trust, who have your back? We are your peeps.

Do you want to laugh, be delighted, challenged, supported, and have your shit look and sound cool? That’s us; we are your peeps.

Do you want to work with people who have made millions in business, helped other scale and secure funding, consulted for the government, worked with celebrities, TV shows, movies, publicly listed companies, and have a depth of knowledge across most areas of business? We walked away from that world, but we hold the codes and understand it all. We are your peeps.

Do you want to feel the magic? Join us at Ghost Flower Creative, where mastery meets magic, and let's create something extraordinary together.


We have spent almost 20 years in this space, and to be honest, we noticed that although our skills are great, if people were out of alignment, no matter how much money or work we put in, their mission fell flat.

We've been fortunate enough to work with some of the world’s most successful creatives who could wear a paper bag on their heads, sneeze, and still succeed. Why? Because they were connected to their mission, operating from higher chakras, and excited about the future.

We soon realized there were the "shoulds" and the "coulds," and the "should" projects always fell short. "Should" energy is driven by obligation and external expectations, leading to lackluster results and a disconnect between the brand's mission and its execution.

As people who strive for success and excitement in our work, we also realized that the "should" clients were our "should" clients. Unconsciously we matched their energy, and in our creation efforts, we often took on their lackluster enthusiasm.

So, we started being conscious of bringing our "coulds" to the project. "Could" energy is one of possibility, adventure, and expansion.We realized we could hold the energetics to get a better result. But it’s not sustainable if they do not own the energy long term.

Now, we prefer to work where we are all working with "could" energy. We know people come to us during a time of transformation and evolution. While this transformation happens, we hold the energy so you can move through resistance, grief of the old you, letting go, finding yourself, making room for the new, allowing yourself to breathe. We hold the vision while you do you, without fear or loss, knowing there are people holding space for you during this process.


Our long-term goal is to harness this awakening, working with creatives, visionaries, the passionate, and the magical to help them birth a world where possibilities are once again inspired. A world where love and connection are the guiding lights.

We are done with the tired corporate rigidity, influenced by Edward Bernays and the propaganda and marketing machine, turning people into mere consumers. There is a new wave of business owners who know there is a better way-where they show up with their gifts and people are ready to receive them. These people aren’t playing it small. They are playing on a completely different field.

No matter what you do, if you know the expression of yourself is multifaceted, multidimensional, and influenced by forces beyond what you can see, tap in and see if we are a good fit for you.

Jacqueline Baker

Hey, I am someone who loves to play with ideas and creation energy. My talent is to see the pathway of your vision and help light the way so you can follow the steps confidently and excitedly.

My career has been successful, working for traditional businesses that make millions. But in all honesty, I can't tolerate that world anymore. I am not here to help rigid egos conquest to attempt to satiate their endless hunger. I am here to play and collaborate with beautiful hearts and souls on a vision quest. For us to do business from a place of higher consciousness and love.

When I am not working, I write novels, practice kundalini, go down rabbit holes and ‘being’ with friends and family; surrounded by love.

Christopher Shaw

Greetings, I am Christopher Shaw. Art, design and music are my passions. I am on a quest to live a life of adventure and truth. I work with ease and grace, allowing projects to find their natural flow, and with that mindset, we will get stunning results together.

My project management and creative direction comes from a place of Zen. We do not struggle, we find alignment, we let it flow. If there is resistance, we find the blocks, we work with them with compassion, not judgment.

When I'm not on client project work. I am making music, working on my visual art pieces, practicing Kundalini Yoga, or relaxing with my family.