What is Energetic Field Work?

In a world where the tangible reigns supreme, there’s a whole other dimension that holds some serious mojo; the energetic field. At Ghost Flower Creative, we love diving into this mystical realm to turn ordinary businesses into extraordinary experiences.



Think of the energetic field as the invisible web of energy that wraps around and flows through everything and everyone. It’s influenced by thoughts, emotions, and intentions, creating a unique vibe for each entity. For businesses, this energetic field captures the collective energy of the brand, the team, and its interactions with the world.



Energetic field work is our secret sauce. It’s about tuning into this subtle energy, aligning it with your brand’s mission, and infusing every part of your business with clarity, harmony, and resonance. This process transforms your brand from the inside out, making it truly magnetic.


  • Intuitive Insights: We tap into the energetic field and sometimes even the quantum realm or Akashic records to receive intuitive downloads. These insights can reveal hidden challenges, spark innovative ideas, and guide us toward untapped potentials. It’s like having a direct line to universal wisdom.
  • Alignment and Coherence: Our goal is to align your brand’s energy with its core mission and values. When everything clicks into place energetically, your business flows smoothly, attracts ideal opportunities, and deeply connects with your audience.
  • Clearing and Balancing: Energetic blockages can hold your business back. We use techniques like visualization, meditation, and energy healing to clear out the gunk, restoring balance and vitality to your brand’s energy field.
  • Holding Space: We create a sacred, intimate space for transformation, where you and your team feel valued, heard, and empowered. This supportive environment is crucial for growth and innovation.
  • Sustained Support: Energetic field work isn’t a one-off; it’s a continuous journey. We provide ongoing support to maintain alignment and adapt to new challenges, ensuring your brand stays vibrant and resilient.



Integrating energetic field work into your business unlocks a world of benefits:

  • Enhanced Creativity and Innovation: By tapping into intuitive insights and aligning energy, we unleash new levels of creativity and innovation.
  • Improved Employee Well-being: A harmonious energetic field creates a positive work environment, reducing stress and boosting morale.
  • Authentic Branding: Energetic alignment helps craft a brand that truly resonates with your audience, building trust and loyalty.
  • Greater Resilience: Businesses that practice energetic field work are better equipped to navigate challenges and adapt to change, maintaining stability and growth.



Maybe you’re wondering if the energetic field, the quantum realm, or the Akashic records are even real. Honestly, it might just be a framework to help release old thought forms and garner new insights. But after years of managing our own energetic fields and working with others, we believe in its power. This work is permission-based, with clear boundaries and a strong commitment. It’s intimate, trust-filled, super fun, and light-hearted.

So, if you’re ready to embrace the magic and see your brand truly shine, let’s connect and explore the wonders of energetic field work together.