
Our Origins

Our approach is holistic, working primarily with the natural laws of nature. Removing fear and creating a flow state will open your business to more expansive opportunities. We work with you to distill your essence and vision and co-create a message that is a magic spell for your audience. Drawing in people who you want to speak to.

The founders, Chris and Jacquie, have re-orientated their large traditional brand agency into one that plays in between the realms of '20 years of brand and web experience' and the metaphysical. Understanding that frequencies create form and the relationship between our clients is about helping them hold their vibration in the clearest optimal formation and us interpreting it to make its structure in the physical form. We are Brand Shamans, helping you on your journey to bring forth your vision.

This may sound a tad esoteric for a couple of people who in their essence are masters of helping traditional business grow. But we really only want to work with people who are inspired by the new world that is filling in, and people who are passionate about their contributions. We don’t care if your goals are lofty, or simple. We love playing with people who want to create with joy and abundance. Not scarcity and ego. We get shit done. We are creators and producers. Project flow fast once we are in alignment.

We have spent years asking these questions.

What does it take to generate a brand that retains broad appeal yet still retains the sovereignty and love of its founders? How do you scale a business without stepping into compromise and inauthenticity? How do you stand in your truth? We have the answers.

Areas of Alignment

Our knowledge, skills, and purpose are to help create branding that transcends you to the next level of business, evoking emotion and elevated states of feeling in your audience.

Holistic Business Development

Let us work together to clarify what you want to do and how you want to do it.

Authentic Creative Direction

Create something the leverages you into more significant opportunities.


Websites, membership platforms, eCommerce shops, books and products.

Let's make magic together!


Your Guides

If you want to look like everyone else, sound like everyone else, or stay in your lane, plenty of people will make you a drab, expected brand. If you want to share with people who you are and why you can help them in a beguiling way, speak to us.

Jacqueline Baker

Hey, I am someone who loves to play with ideas and creation energy. My talent is to see the pathway of your vision and help light the way so you can follow the steps confidently and excitedly.

My career has been successful, working for traditional businesses that make millions. But in all honesty, I can't tolerate that world anymore. I am not here to help rigid egos conquest to attempt to satiate their endless hunger. I am here to play and collaborate with beautiful hearts and souls on a vision quest. For us to do business from a place of higher consciousness and love.

When I am not working, I write novels, practice kundalini, go down rabbit holes and ‘being’ with friends and family; surrounded by love.

Christopher Shaw

Hey, I am Christopher Shaw. Art, Music, Love and experiences are my passion. So I look to find these aspects in my work. I am on a quest to live in beauty, adventure and truth. I work with ease and grace. Allowing projects to find their natural flow, and with that mindset, we will get stunning results together.

My project management and creative direction comes from a place of Zen. We do not struggle, we find alignment, we let it flow. If there is resistance, we find the blocks, we work with them with compassion, not judgment.

When I'm not on client project work. I am making music, working on my visual art pieces, practicing Kundalini Yoga, and chilling with my family.

Connect Authentically

Reach out and share your dream

Let's catch up and have a chat. For us, it's not about the size of the project, but if we are the right fit for each other. Kick off the process by telling us a bit about yourself. We start all projects with an obligation free conversation.

Contact Us

Our Portfolio

We’re sure you have questions, like, what does our work look like? Who are our clients? Are these peeps down to earth? How do they charge? We find the best way to answer your questions and walk you through our work, is in person or over video call. Please you the form above to reach out and start the conversation.