You Can’t Talk Butterfly Language to Caterpillar People

We  have been having some deep conversations lately about the idea of waking people up to see the world through a new lens. It’s a hopeful notion—that the world will change when enough people see it the way you do. But as beautiful as this idea is, it can also be a source of suffering for both parties involved.


The Struggle of Waking Others Up

Here’s the thing: no one wants to be woken up abruptly. It never feels great. It’s much better to get the sleep you need and wake up when ready. Forcing someone to wake up before they’re ready doesn’t benefit anyone.

When you’re excited and motivated, and you’re in the frequency of making shit happen, it can be incredibly frustrating when the people around you don’t share your enthusiasm. They might be asleep to your ideas and cool and interesting perspectives. Expecting them to be excited and supportive when they just don’t get it can become a form of suffering. They are caterpillars who haven’t yet transformed; they can’t comprehend your butterfly language.

Waiting for people to wake up can slow down your own progress. It’s easy to use the hope that others will see things your way as an excuse to stay in your comfort zone, to delay shining brightly. It’s scary to be seen in a new light, especially when it might not be congruent with who people once thought you were.


Protecting Your High Vibe

Caterpillars might want you to stay the same. Their version of who you are stabilizes their reality. If you change, what does that do to them? When you share exciting ideas, they might drag you into a lower frequency, asking about worst-case scenarios or projecting their fears onto your vision. Protecting your vibe and keeping it in those higher frequencies is important.

We know there are motivational quotes all over Instagram that say things like “Move in silence,” “Don’t tell people what you are up to,” or even worse, “remove people from your life if they can’t support your highest version.” We say, hey, let’s understand that this transformational period will give you some challenges. Don’t hide away, but definitely be discerning with whom you share your vision while it’s still a seedling.


Embrace Your Transformation

Witness how you react, hold your vision despite others’ comments, and use butterflies like us to reflect and witness your transformation. We all have to get comfortable with transformations—the key is to be aware of what will happen. Understand how your ego will want to protect you, keep you safe, and use insecurities to keep you fixed.

At Ghost Flower Creative, we hold space for the transformers. You can speak butterfly to us. You can spread your wings, take flight, and build your strength. Know that some people see what you’re bringing to the table. There are others out there who will love your weirdness, your madness, and your genius.

Emotional guidance, as Abraham Hicks describes, is about staying aligned with your higher self. When you stay in the higher frequencies of joy, passion, and enthusiasm, you attract more of the same. But when you share your dreams with those who aren’t ready to see them, they might pull you down to their level of fear, doubt, or insecurity.

The best way to inspire caterpillars to become butterflies isn’t to force them to wake up. It’s to embody the transformation yourself and show them what’s possible. When you fly, you inspire others to grow. And when they’re ready, they’ll start their own transformation journey.

Ghost Flower is about helping you grow and creating and developing a beautiful brand experience. There is no point in wanting to elevate, grow, and become more only to feel stuck, unsupported, or scared, and no one will get you. You just need to speak to butterflies like us. Let’s transform together.



“The law of attraction is this: You don’t attract what you want. You attract what you are.” – Wayne Dyer.